APRC Newsletter June 2022

ARPC Newsletter June - attendees at ICW 36and map

Dear NCWA members, supporters and friends, our regional colleagues, APRC has released their June 2022 newsletter, including a report and experiences at the 36th ICW-CIF General Assembly.  It is available as a pdf download.



Welcome to APRC June Newsletter.  It is a privilege that I will be serving you all for the next 3 years after being elected APRC President at APRC/ICW General Meeting at ICW-CIF General Assembly in Avignon. Christine Knock has been elected secretary and Joan Fu was elected treasurer. We very much look forward to work with all of you to further support NCs to address gender equity in Asia Pacific Region. Please contact us with suggestions as to how APRC can support NCs to address gender equity issues.

27 members attended APRC General Meeting in Avignon together with 1 Proxy and 2 Observers. These NCs were present: Australia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, Korea, Pakistan (Proxy). We had a successful business meeting and NC Reports were presented, some of which is in this Newsletter.

Congratulations to Martine Marandel who was elected President of ICW-CIF for 2022 – 2025. Congratulations also to our APRC sisters who were elected to these positions:

  • First Vice President: Pushpa Hegde
  • Vice President: Giwo Rubianto
  • Board Member: Sirirat Tamronsterakul, Dr Nona S. Ricafort from NC Philippines.
  • Assistant Treasurer: Chiou See Anderson ( President NC Australia)
  • Coopted to ICW Board: Linda Liu
  • Coopted as Mentor to ICW Standing Committee: Elisabeth Newman

These women were elected to Coordinator and Adviser positions: Uli Sllalahi, Jennifer Ann Davies, Wendy Rainbird, YoungAe Ha, Rakhi Shetty and Margaret Jip Kuo

The highlight of the Social Events of the Avignon GA was Musical Moments at the Conservatory of Music. A piece of music was composed and played to honour ICW GA being held in Avignon. The composition was enjoyed by all present as well as the cocktail party at Restaurant Francoise.

The General Assembly adopted Empowerment of Women: Peace and sustainable development as the Triennial Theme for 2023 -2025.

The next ICW Executive Committee Meeting will be held in September 2023 in Wellington. ICW General Assembly will be held in Australia in 2025. Hope to see all of you there.

I will be attending Women 20 Summit organised by KOWANI in Medan in July 19 -21 as part of G 20.

Hean Bee Wee AM


PDF Newsletter

Download the Newsletter (14 page PDF 1mb)


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