
NCWA published work
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International Women’s Day Statement IWD2024

International Women’s Day 2024 – Statement from President Chiou See Anderson. Today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, I welcome and comment on three important reports/strategies released over the past

Childcare costs as a tax deduction opinion and research

UNSW advocating allowing childcare costs as a tax deduction

In this UNSW New Economic Policy Initiative paper  “(Un)Taxing Child-care Boosting Choice and Labour Supply through Subsidised & Tax-Deductible Child-care in Australia” by Rosalind Dixon, Richard Holden & Melissa Vogt, the authors advocate allowing childcare costs as a tax deduction.


45 years on: What now in Contraceptives?

PUBLICATION: Knowledge is choice. Contraceptive options range widely – from the natural rhythm method, to male vasectomy and the latest non-daily methods of hormonal injections and implants. It is vital that information is available for women to make informed choices regarding all possible methods – if they wish.