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Webinar for consumers #CHF Talks – Hon Mark Butler MP. Minister for Health and Aged Care

Photo of Mark Butler and Leanne Wells presenters at CHF form 5 August

Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) are delighted to announce the new Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Mark Butler, MP will be joining CHF for a webinar for consumers, members and stakeholders on 5 August 2022.

Consumers Heath Forum presents Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care at an online forum to be held Friday 5 August 2022, 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm (AEST).


About The CHF Webinar

This webinar will give insights into the Minister’s priorities for health and an opportunity to discuss the big issues that we hope to see progressed in the first term of the Labor Government. We will choose a spectrum of submitted questions and invite the those submitting them to put them directly live to the Minister – ABC “Q&A” style.

Minister Butler will be available for a discussion about his priorities for health as Minister and engage in some Q&A.

This webinar is for Consumers Health Forum members, stakeholders and anyone interested in engaging in a meaningful and relevant discussion.

We encourage you to think about topics or questions you’d like to put to the Minister.

The questions below are prompts, You can use the small text boxes to answer or put your comments in the large text box if you prefer.

We will also be inviting three consumers to do a “wrap up” of the event and explore their impressions of the conversation. If you would like considered for this activity, please add your name on the registration page.



Date: Friday 5 August 2022, 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm (AEST).

Venue: Online via Zoom



Further Information / Registration

Please visit the event registration website

Contact [email protected] with any question.


About the Guest Speaker – Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care

 Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged CareMark served as Minister for Ageing and Australia’s first Minister for Mental Health in the Gillard Government. He has also held the ministries of Housing, Homelessness, Social Inclusion, Climate Change, Water and the Environment.

Before Mark was elected to parliament, he worked for some of the most disadvantaged people in the community as an official with the United Workers Union (then United Voice) for over 15 years, including 11 years as State Secretary.

In 2003 he was awarded the Centenary Medal for services to trade unionism.

He has long been a champion for society’s most vulnerable, and was a member of the South Australian Social Inclusion Board during its major review of the South Australian mental health system.


About the Facilitator – Leanne Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Consumers Health Forum

Leanne Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Consumers Health ForumLeanne is CEO of Consumers Health Forum, a position she has held for seven years. She has previously held positions as CEO of the Australian Medicare Local Alliance, the Australian Divisions of General Practice and the ACT Medicare Local. She is a health advocate and service executive with over thirty years’ experience in health and social policy, program and service development.




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