NCWA constituent council member, NCWSA, cordially invite you to their next meeting to be held Thursday 12th May 2022, 6.30pm for 7 start at The Australian Red Cross. It’s just near the NCWSA headquarters – off Gilbert Street, City. NCWSA are so thrilled to extend this invitation to all members of NCWSA member organisations and any friends to this special meeting – for up to 80 people.
Location, Time and Date
Location: Australian Red Cross, Kaurna Country – 5/12 Percy Court, Adelaide
Time/Date: Thursday 12th May 2022, 6.30pm for 7 start
Car Parking: Please park at NCWSA and we can walk around to Percy Street together. It’s not too far! Or, feel free to get dropped off at the Red Cross.
On the Evening
We are honoured to be having presentations by Australian Red Cross:
- Jai O’Toole – Red Cross in South Australia, State Director
- Kate Holland – Justice, Justice Reinvestment and Aboriginal Supports
- Sue McNamara – Migrant Support Programs
On the night, there will be catering provided by migrant women who participate in the Red Cross’ “English Through Cooking” Program. To compensate for the costs of the catering, please bring a cash donation on the night of $10.
There will be no formal NCWSA business on the night.
Register To Attend
Please register your attendance here:
Registrations essential.
Resources (pdfs)
NCWSA Meeting Minutes 14 April 2022
Red Cross SA Migration Support Program
Red Cross SA Community Justice Program
Red Cross Programs in South Australia
We can’t wait to share this experience with you and your members and friends.
Kind regards
Fiona Dorman