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NCWA 2023 Conference – Removing the Gender Divide [Recap & Photos]
The NCWA AGM and Conference ‘Removing the Gender Divide’ including delegates from NCW Constituent Councils from all Australian States was recenbtly held at HC Combes Centre, Kirribilli, (Tuesday, 17th of October 2023). A Reception was also held at Admiralty House on Tuesday evening hosted by the NCWA Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley.
This free, online event is hosted by the National Council of Women of Australia and the National Council of Women of New Zealand. We would like to bring together sister organisations to discuss our common issues, establish new relationships and networks, and look forward to future collaborative action. Register Today!

The NCWA Removing the Gender Divide Conference. The NCWA AGM and Conference ‘Removing the Gender Divide’ have delegates from NCW Constituent Councils from all Australian States. The Conference will […]

NCWSA 2023 Adelaide IWD Breakfast Special guest speaker: Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Australia Host: Senator the Hon Penny Wong MC: Sonya Feldhoff, ABC Radio Adelaide Join us […]

NCWA delegates will be attending the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women that will take place from 6 to 17 March 2023 in New York. Representatives […]

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until […]

NCWA Conference - Improving Safety and Economic Security for Women. The Conference includes the NCWA Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 10 November 2022, with the Conference officially opening at 9.00 am on Friday, 11 November and concluding at 1.00 pm, followed by an optional networking lunch.

Dear NCWA members, friends and supporters, The Global Period Poverty Forum will be held 10-12 October, 2022 in Brisbane, Queensland.. The Forum will bring together world-class speakers, outstanding researchers and those making a global impact for three days of extraordinary development and learning around how WE can unite to end period poverty.

NCWA is calling for Nominations (due 9 Sept) and Resolutions (due 16 Sept) for its 2022 AGM.

This Consumers Health Forum of Australia webinar will give insights into the Minister’s priorities for health and an opportunity to discuss the big issues that we hope to see progressed in the first term of the Labor Government. CHF will choose a spectrum of submitted questions and invite the those submitting them to put them directly live to the Minister – ABC “Q&A” style.

EVENT 26-30 JUNE Dear NCWA members, friends and supporters, The World Urban Forum (WUF11), the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization will be held in the Polish city of Katowice (and online). 26-30 June 2022. The WUF have an App that will enable you to follow sessions online or take part in discussions remotely.

The 36th International Council of Women (ICW) General Assembly (GA) will be held May 16th to 21st, 2022 in Avignon, France. The deadline for early-bird registration is March 15. We invite you to join us there. Please see the registration form, provisional agenda and information for hotel reservation and discount code for Air France.

NCWA constituent council member, NCWSA, cordially invite you to their next meeting to be held Thursday 12th May 2022, 6.30pm for 7 start at The Australian Red Cross. It's just near the NCWSA headquarters - off Gilbert Street, City. NCWSA are so thrilled to extend this invitation to all members of NCWSA member organisations and any friends to this special meeting - for up to 80 people. Register today.

NCWA Constituent Council NCWA, cordially invite you to their 61st Pioneer Women’s Day at Pioneer Women’s Garden in the Kings Domain, Saturday 26 March.

Harmony Week, Monday 21 March to Sunday 27 March 2022, celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. In this Harmony Week particularly, the NCWA acknowledge First Nations voices and the culturally diverse voices in Australia and globally that make NCW strong and bring so much richness to our communities and all facets of life.

This event, co-sponsored by Korean Institute for Women and Politics, will discuss best practices and measures to help women overcome long-established systemic obstacles to their labor participation and transition successfully in the future workplace. Register for this online event.